Naga Dorjee Sherpa
Naga was born in the KhumÂbu ValÂley of Nepal where he lives with his wife and two young daughÂters. He has acquired a vast knowlÂedge withÂin the EverÂest region as well as many othÂer trekking regions of Nepal. Naga’s resume also includes climbs of many trekking peaks in Nepal such as Island Peak, Mera Peak and Lobuche as well as Camp 2 on Mount EverÂest. Naga has travÂeled extenÂsiveÂly in the UnitÂed States and has a genÂuine underÂstandÂing of westÂern culÂture. His warm smile, sense of humor and conÂfiÂdence have made him a valuÂable memÂber of the MounÂtain MadÂness comÂmuÂniÂty and allows our trekkers to relax and enjoy the experience