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Marcelo Gomez Saiz

Marce­lo start­ed his climbing/​guid­ing career 17 years ago and is cur­rent­ly an IFM­GA aspi­rant. Thanks to the sup­port of his fam­i­ly that is also involved in climb­ing and guid­ing and that has been work­ing with Moun­tain Mad­ness for decades, Marce­lo has become a pas­sion­ate, high­ly pro­fes­sion­al guide. He has expe­ri­ence guid­ing and climb­ing on the 14 moun­tains high­er than 20,000-ft in his home coun­try of Bolivia. He also guid­ed on the icon­ic Alpa­mayo in Per and Aconcagua, Argenti­na. He brings a wealth of knowl­edge and the warm hos­pi­tal­i­ty of Boli­vian peo­ple to each trip he guides.