Marcelo Gomez Saiz
MarceÂlo startÂed his climbing/​guidÂing career 17 years ago and is curÂrentÂly an IFMÂGA aspiÂrant. Thanks to the supÂport of his famÂiÂly that is also involved in climbÂing and guidÂing and that has been workÂing with MounÂtain MadÂness for decades, MarceÂlo has become a pasÂsionÂate, highÂly proÂfesÂsionÂal guide. He has expeÂriÂence guidÂing and climbÂing on the 14 mounÂtains highÂer than 20,000-ft in his home counÂtry of Bolivia. He also guidÂed on the iconÂic AlpaÂmayo in Per and Aconcagua, ArgentiÂna. He brings a wealth of knowlÂedge and the warm hosÂpiÂtalÂiÂty of BoliÂvian peoÂple to each trip he guides.