Mara Larson
Mara’s world lies in the remote and high peaks of the world. She startÂed out researchÂing the brain at high altiÂtude for NASA, based at EverÂest base camp. This led to her manÂagÂing climbÂing logisÂtics on the mounÂtain for over a decade. She’s assistÂed with DisÂcovÂery ChanÂnel, the North Face, and on some of the highÂest resÂcues on the mounÂtain, often aidÂing from above the iceÂfall. In her down time, she orgaÂnizes trail races and runÂning trips across the Himalaya and the Alps, and works at develÂopÂing local runÂning talÂent across Nepal. She’s climbed on ManÂaslu, Ama Dablam, run speed ascents on Aconcagua, and stood on the podiÂum in the EverÂest and KathÂmanÂdu Marathons. She holds the MounÂtain Leader cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion through the British sysÂtem as well as the AmerÂiÂcan WFR. And she’s most pasÂsionÂate about sharÂing her Himalayan parÂadise with those venÂturÂing in for the first time!