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Lindsey Hamm

Lindsey Hamm

I began climb­ing in 2013 and have been guid­ing since 2014. I strive to achieve the Inter­na­tion­al Fed­er­a­tion Moun­tain Guide Asso­ci­a­tion Pin (IFM­GA). When I start­ed down the Amer­i­can Moun­tain Guide Asso­ci­a­tion (AMGA) track, I began with my Sin­gle Pitch Instruc­tor Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion to gain expe­ri­ence. After a year or two, I began down the AMGA/IFMGA process to hope­ful­ly become the 18th woman to be ful­ly pinned in the States. I love trav­el­ing to all dif­fer­ent parts of the US and oth­er coun­tries to climb. Build­ing a com­mu­ni­ty in every loca­tion I trav­el to is a goal of mine. I love crush­ing my own guide and per­son­al goals and enjoy see­ing my guests crush their goals. I am cur­rent­ly an AMGA Cer­ti­fied Rock and Alpine Guide, and an Appren­tice Ski Guide.

I have guid­ed all around Col­orado, Ore­gon, Utah, Neva­da, Wash­ing­ton, Alas­ka, and Cal­i­for­nia. I was award­ed the 2016 GORE-TEX Schol­ar­ship for an AMGA course, the Rock Guide Dis­ci­pline from ARC’TERYX, and was award­ed the 2019 McNeill-Nott Grant for her expe­di­tion back to Zan­skar in August 2019. 

In 2023, I was award­ed the AAC Cut­ting Edge Grant, McNeill-Nott Grant, and the Grit and Rock Grant to estab­lish new routes at high alti­tudes for our Sum­mer 2023 Pak­istan trip back to the Charakusa Valley.

My love for the out­doors start­ed when I was a young woman liv­ing in Texas, yes, Texas. I was for­tu­nate enough to have a moth­er who brought me around Austin, Texas, Col­orado, and Utah to hike and learn how to ski at a young age. Through­out my 20s, I was obsessed with trail run­ning and ran five ultra­ma­rathons, and then I was intro­duced to climb­ing lat­er in Austin and San Mar­cos, Texas. 

I have estab­lished routes in Duran­go, CO, Indi­an Creek, and mul­ti-pitch­es in Moab. Also, I have estab­lished alpine routes in Zan­skar, India, and in the Charakusa Val­ley in Pak­istan. In 2018 I was in India for a month, attempt­ing to estab­lish a first ascent with my climb­ing part­ner. We suc­cess­ful­ly put up a few tow­ers (Tow­er One, WI3, M3, 5.9 R), try­ing to attempt an epic tra­verse but got shut down by weath­er. In the sum­mer of 2022, my team and I suc­ceed­ed in the Charakusa Val­ley, Pak­istan. We estab­lished a new route called Pull Down the Sky” 15 pitch­es, 5.11R at 16,500 feet. 

Aside from climb­ing, I love to draw. My favorite medi­um is char­coal. Hap­py SENDING!