Joshua Jarrin
Born and raised in Ecuador, Joshua began climbÂing at the age of ten. As a climber, he has sumÂmitÂed peaks in the Andes, the Alps, the Dolomites, the Himalayas and Tien Shan mounÂtains; most notably: Pumori Peak in Nepal, the South face of Aconcagua in ArgentiÂna, Khan TenÂgri in KyrÂgyzsÂtan, among othÂers. At the same time, he has estabÂlished first ascents in Nepal, Ecuador and Peru. As a guide he was trained iniÂtialÂly in Ecuador obtainÂing the ASEGUIM cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion and latÂer he comÂpletÂed his UIAGM/IFMGA cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion through the interÂnaÂtionÂal proÂgram of the ENSA (NationÂal School of Ski and AlpinÂism of France). Also he is a WilderÂness First ResponÂder. Joshua travÂels around the world helpÂing climbers to achieve high altiÂtude sumÂmits like EverÂest or Aconcagua but he also enjoys techÂniÂcal guidÂing in the Alps. He is curÂrentÂly the TechÂniÂcal DirecÂtor of the EcuadoÂriÂan MounÂtain Guides AssoÂciÂaÂtion ASEGUIM where he trains and menÂtors new aspirÂing guides. OutÂside of the mounÂtains he has a B.A. in CuliÂnary Arts and he is a salÂsa dancer.