Jon Strahl
Jon is a PNW native and avid skiÂer. He lives with his wife and husky pup in a yurt near Stevens
Pass, and skis over 100 days a seaÂson in the CasÂcades and SE AlasÂka. Jon purÂsued a
gradÂuÂate degree in renewÂable enerÂgy finance and worked in a top-tier conÂsulÂting firm for years
before realÂizÂing that it might be more fun to work a litÂtle less on the comÂputÂer and a litÂtle more
outÂdoors–to conÂnect peoÂple to the enviÂronÂment and share his pasÂsion for the snow. Jon has WilderÂness First ResponÂder, AIARE Pro 1, and AIARE ITC certifications.