John Barkausen
Despite growÂing up in the flat subÂurbs of ChicaÂgo, John gained a love for wild places earÂly in his life. After earnÂing a degree in WilderÂness LeadÂerÂship from Prescott ColÂlege, John began turnÂing that love into a career. He has worked throughÂout the counÂtry and interÂnaÂtionÂalÂly, guidÂing rock climbÂing, ice climbÂing, skiÂing and avalanche coursÂes, sea kayakÂing, hikÂing, and even a few bikÂing trips. He has spent much of this time teachÂing advenÂturÂous sports to high school and colÂlege aged stuÂdents. As an outÂdoor instrucÂtor and guide, John strives to get to know each stuÂdent so that he can proÂvide unique learnÂing opporÂtuÂniÂties and make sure the advenÂture meets the stuÂdent where they are. John has two kids, a loveÂly wife, a mildÂly obeÂdiÂent dog, and they all live in Wenatchee, Washington.