Joe Sawyer
North AmerÂiÂca ProÂgram Director
Born and raised in the SeatÂtle area, Joe grew up explorÂing the CasÂcades. With an earÂly introÂducÂtion to mounÂtaineerÂing durÂing a climb of Mount Adams at 13 years old, he knew he was hooked. After gradÂuÂatÂing colÂlege at WashÂingÂton State UniÂverÂsiÂty, he dove head-first into the outÂdoor indusÂtry workÂing at gear shops, climbÂing gyms, and runÂning youth climbÂing proÂgrams before finalÂly joinÂing the MadÂness team. As the North AmerÂiÂca ProÂgram DirecÂtor here at MounÂtain MadÂness he loves helpÂing folks find advenÂture through climbÂing. In his free time, you can find him explorÂing the CasÂcades, ridÂing his dual sport, boatÂing in the Puget Sound, and hangÂing out with his best friend Blue (Chief BarÂketÂing OffiÂcer here at MM).