James Kan
A true SeatÂtle local, James has been playÂing in the North CasÂcades since he was a child. As a young adult he fished comÂmerÂcialÂly in AlasÂka and spent his off time in GerÂmany where he found his love for climbÂing rocks. James has climbed in MexÂiÂco, PorÂtuÂgal, ThaiÂland, CanaÂda, Spain, GerÂmany, and all over the West Coast. GuidÂing for MounÂtain MadÂness has also reignitÂed his love for bigÂger mounÂtains and the opporÂtuÂniÂty to explore in the CasÂcades again. He spends his winÂters in the front and back counÂtry on a snowÂboard, which he has been enjoyÂing for over 25 years. James’ othÂer pasÂsions in life when not climbÂing or snowÂboardÂing include mounÂtain bikÂing and cookÂing. His pasÂsion and expeÂriÂence in food has been well received and reviewed in the backÂcounÂtry. James is curÂrentÂly an AMGA ApprenÂtice Rock and Alpine Guide. He plans to furÂther his eduÂcaÂtion with the AMGA.