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James Gallant

James Gal­lant is a ded­i­cat­ed moun­tain guide on a mis­sion to help indi­vid­u­als grow and find per­son­al trans­for­ma­tion in the moun­tains. He strives to keep explor­ing the great out­doors and see­ing peo­ple achieve their full poten­tial along the way. When it comes to guid­ing, he prides him­self on being patient and sup­port­ive, and work­ing with peo­ple of all skill lev­els from begin­ners to those look­ing to take their abil­i­ties to the next lev­el. He cre­ates a safe and empow­er­ing envi­ron­ment where learn­ing and per­son­al growth can flour­ish. Over nine years, he has had the priv­i­lege of guid­ing and teach­ing in some incred­i­ble loca­tions like Col­orado, Cal­i­for­nia, Alas­ka, and Maine. He has guid­ed on rock, snow, ice, water, desert sand, and beat­en trails. These breath­tak­ing places have shaped him as a guide. For James, it’s not just about teach­ing tech­ni­cal skills, it’s about cre­at­ing an expe­ri­ence that goes beyond the phys­i­cal chal­lenges. He believes that the moun­tains have a way of tap­ping into our per­son­al growth and trans­for­ma­tion, which is why he strives to make each jour­ney an unfor­get­table one, where his guest can cre­ate last­ing mem­o­ries, find a sense of achieve­ment, and dis­cov­er new strengths with­in themselves.