Jake Skeen
Jake grew up in NorthÂern CalÂiÂforÂnia and has since lived in ColÂorado, Wyoming and WashÂingÂton. A pasÂsion for ski mounÂtaineerÂing and explorÂing new terÂrain has takÂen him to the AlasÂka Range, Chilean Andes and the EuroÂpean Alps. Jake enjoys a variÂety of objecÂtives from pure rock climbs to long alpine endeavÂors. He spends the sumÂmer guidÂing alpine climbs in the CasÂcades. Once the snow starts falling, Jake shifts gears to workÂing as an avalanche eduÂcaÂtor, ski patroller and foreÂcastÂer. Jake is an AMGA AssisÂtant Rock Guide, ApprenÂtice Alpine Guide, ApprenÂtice Ski Guide, and an Ice InstrucÂtor. He also has comÂpletÂed AIARE Pro 2, and is a WilderÂness EMT. Jake is driÂven by his affinÂiÂty for being in the mounÂtains and is eager to share those expeÂriÂences with others.