Jack Bynum
Jack has 10 years of expeÂriÂence guidÂing backÂcounÂtry trips around the world. He has travÂeled over 20,000 miles by bike, sea kayak, foot, raft, and skis. He became the youngest perÂson to solo Denali and has put up first ascents on 6,000 meter peaks in the Himalayas. In 2016, his solo ascent of BhanÂdar Lek was listÂed as one of 20 sigÂnifÂiÂcant globÂal ascents of the year by the presÂtiÂgious Piloet d’Or. He calls SeatÂtle home, but is often around the world leadÂing trips or on perÂsonÂal advenÂtures. Zach is a AMGA AssisÂtant Rock Guide, NOLS WilderÂness MedÂiÂcine WilderÂness First ResponÂder, WRI SwiftÂwaÂter ResÂcue Tech, Leave No Trace MasÂter EduÂcaÂtor, and has comÂpletÂed his AIARE Pro 1 Avalanche Course.