Ian Nicholson
The first thing you notice about Ian is his nevÂer-endÂing stoke to be sharÂing the mounÂtains with peoÂple, whether on rock, on glacÂiÂers or on skis. His pasÂsion to be out in the mounÂtains has been known to spur peoÂple to greater heights. Ian is an interÂnaÂtionÂalÂly licensed Alpine, Rock, and Ski mounÂtain guide (IFMGA/UIAGM). Ian’s expeÂriÂence stems in part from havÂing estabÂlished over a half-dozen first ascents in his home range of the CasÂcades, as well as openÂing new routes in farÂther-off regions such as the WaddingÂton Range, PatagÂoÂnia and the AlasÂka Range. Ian has also authored a local climbÂing guideÂbook entiÂtled SuperÂTopo: WashÂingÂton Pass ClimbÂing and is a writer for OutÂdoorGearÂLab and ClimbÂing MagÂaÂzine. Ian is AIARE LevÂel III cerÂtiÂfied, a WilderÂness First ResponÂder and is an AIARE LevÂel 1 and LevÂel 2 Course Leader, and a LNT Trainer.