Geoff Lodge
A jack of all the outÂdoor trades, Geoff is a year-round full-time guide based in Bend, OreÂgon. You’ll find him roamÂing the local hills of CenÂtral OreÂgon, crimpÂing small handÂholds at Smith Rock, and slayÂing lap after lap on his skis. His advenÂtures have takÂen him all over the UnitÂed States, CanaÂda, AlasÂka, and Europe. He’s lead expeÂdiÂtions to Denali and Mt Logan in the Yukon. Skied numerÂous traÂversÂes in CanaÂda and the Alps and amassed over 400+ sumÂmits of Mt Hood. To say Geoff likes to be outÂside, is an underÂstateÂment! He began his guidÂing career in 2005 and hasÂn’t looked back since. Geoff is a fulÂly cerÂtiÂfied IFMGA/AMGA MounÂtain Guide.