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Bio Pic

Esteban Usaga

Equip­ment and Logis­tics Manager


Born and raised in the not-so-moun­tain­ous state of Texas, Este­ban found a pas­sion for the out­doors through reg­u­lar trips to Col­orado. It was­n’t until his first moun­taineer­ing expe­ri­ence on Elks Tooth in the Indi­an Peaks Wilder­ness that he real­ly caught the climb­ing bug. Soon after, he moved to Col­orado to study at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Col­orado Boul­der, tak­ing advan­tage of the end­less climb­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties out­side his door. After grad­u­at­ing, he spent time in the North­east where he fell in love with climb­ing areas like Cathe­dral Ledge, Rum­ney, and the Gunks. Este­ban decid­ed to pur­sue a career in moun­tain guid­ing and moved back to Col­orado, where he worked in the out­door indus­try through var­i­ous gear shops and instruct­ing climb­ing at the local gym. He recent­ly moved to the great state of Wash­ing­ton in search of big­ger adven­tures in the Cas­cades. As the Gear Man­ag­er at Moun­tain Mad­ness, he is pas­sion­ate about get­ting clients geared up and stoked for their next adven­tures. In his free time, he loves to climb and ski with his fur­ry com­pan­ion, Ash.