Esteban Usaga
EquipÂment and LogisÂtics Manager
Born and raised in the not-so-mounÂtainÂous state of Texas, EsteÂban found a pasÂsion for the outÂdoors through regÂuÂlar trips to ColÂorado. It wasÂn’t until his first mounÂtaineerÂing expeÂriÂence on Elks Tooth in the IndiÂan Peaks WilderÂness that he realÂly caught the climbÂing bug. Soon after, he moved to ColÂorado to study at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of ColÂorado BoulÂder, takÂing advanÂtage of the endÂless climbÂing opporÂtuÂniÂties outÂside his door. After gradÂuÂatÂing, he spent time in the NorthÂeast where he fell in love with climbÂing areas like CatheÂdral Ledge, RumÂney, and the Gunks. EsteÂban decidÂed to purÂsue a career in mounÂtain guidÂing and moved back to ColÂorado, where he worked in the outÂdoor indusÂtry through varÂiÂous gear shops and instructÂing climbÂing at the local gym. He recentÂly moved to the great state of WashÂingÂton in search of bigÂger advenÂtures in the CasÂcades. As the Gear ManÂagÂer at MounÂtain MadÂness, he is pasÂsionÂate about getÂting clients geared up and stoked for their next advenÂtures. In his free time, he loves to climb and ski with his furÂry comÂpanÂion, Ash.