Emiliano Cardenas
Born in GuadalaÂjara, MexÂiÂco, Emiliano’s pasÂsion for the outÂdoors startÂed at a very young age when his father took him on hikes in the hills nearÂby. This enthuÂsiÂasm took him up the big peaks of MexÂiÂco and evenÂtuÂalÂly led to climbs in North AmerÂiÂca, such Mount Rainier, the Grand Teton, and peaks in the CanaÂdiÂan RockÂies. His skills were honed on rock and ice in ColÂorado, the Tetons, AusÂtralia, and the rocks of MexÂiÂco. When not purÂsuÂing his IFMÂGA guide cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion EmilÂiano studÂies mechanÂiÂcal engiÂneerÂing and aspires to the Greater Ranges of the world. He guides in MexÂiÂco and Bolivia currently.