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FFD62 ADF 4902 4056 9 B3 C B25 E249 BFC81 Claire Bollinger

Based in United States

Claire Bollinger


Claire grew up in the wilds of north Ida­ho, climb­ing trees, explor­ing creeks and back­pack­ing into the wilder­ness. She has been a life­long out­door enthu­si­ast and has a love of move­ment, stem­ming from a back­ground in mod­ern dance. Claire enjoys help­ing her guests explore ease of move­ment in the moun­tain envi­ron­ment in order to more ful­ly con­nect with the pow­er of place. In addi­tion to her inter­est in the cul­tures in the areas she guides, she brings a knowl­edge of botany and geol­o­gy to add to the learn­ing expe­ri­ence. She has trekked and climbed through­out the world and cur­rent­ly calls Zion Canyon home.