American Mountain Guide Association Accreditation
EstabÂlished in 1986, the AMGA AccredÂiÂtaÂtion ProÂgram endorsÂes guide serÂvices, climbÂing proÂgrams, and/​or school or uniÂverÂsiÂty outÂdoor proÂgrams that offer climbÂing instrucÂtion, guidÂed climbÂing, or skiÂing serÂvices. AccredÂiÂtaÂtion proÂvides a conÂsisÂtent stanÂdard for judgÂing the reliÂaÂbilÂiÂty and proÂfesÂsionÂalÂism of a climbÂing serÂvice by ensurÂing it:
- ConÂforms to indusÂtry standards;
- GuarÂanÂtees rigÂorÂous and uniÂform guide training;
- Is comÂpliÂant with state and fedÂerÂal law;
- ProÂmotes ethÂiÂcal busiÂness practices.
- BusiÂnessÂes are comÂmitÂted to high techÂniÂcal stanÂdards, strong proÂgrams, and a qualÂiÂty staff of engaged and engagÂing climbÂing instrucÂtors and guides;
- BusiÂnessÂes have AMGA cerÂtiÂfied guides and climbÂing instrucÂtors on staff.
- BusiÂnessÂes encourÂage staff memÂbers to purÂsue AMGA cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion, proÂvide menÂtorÂing, and supÂport staff through the AMGA trainÂing and cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion process.
- AccredÂitÂed busiÂnessÂes conÂduct annuÂal terÂrain speÂcifÂic trainÂings utiÂlizÂing AMGA cerÂtiÂfied staff members.