Alfredo Chavez Villa
AlfreÂdo was born in MexÂiÂco City but moved to PachuÂca, HidalÂgo State, known as one of the most imporÂtant cities for the MexÂiÂcan rock climbÂing scene. He has been workÂing for HecÂtor Ponce de Leon and MounÂtain MadÂness for almost sevÂen years on the MexÂiÂco VolÂcaÂnoes trip. When travÂelÂling abroad, Peru and ArgentiÂna are among his favorite climbÂing desÂtiÂnaÂtions. When AlfreÂdo is not guidÂing, he works as instrucÂtor leader for OutÂward Bound MéxÂiÂco, mostÂly with at-risk youth coursÂes in MexÂiÂco City. He is also an MTB bikÂing guide and spends his free time develÂopÂing new routes throughÂout MexÂiÂco. AlfreÂdo always attends to the small details on any trip and enjoys sharÂing the mounÂtains of his home counÂtry with clients.