Alexandra Croft
AlexanÂdra is a PNW native and has been climbÂing localÂly and interÂnaÂtionÂalÂly for over 15 years. ExplorÂing the North CasÂcades is one of her favorite activÂiÂties but she also enjoys advenÂturÂing interÂnaÂtionÂalÂly in New Zealand, SwitzerÂland, ChaÂmonix, and the Dolomites. Her favorite aspect of guidÂing is conÂnectÂing peoÂple to nature through climbÂing and mounÂtaineerÂing. LocalÂly she has guidÂed on Mt. Rainier and Mt. BakÂer and has recentÂly travÂeled to JackÂson Hole, Wyoming and Rocky MounÂtain NationÂal Park. She is an AMGA ApprenÂtice Alpine Guide, SinÂgle Pitch InstrucÂtor, and an Ice InstrucÂtor. She is also WilderÂness First ResponÂder, and has comÂpletÂed AIARE LevÂel 2. She’s spent sevÂerÂal years volÂunÂteer guidÂing for a non-profÂit, and also for MounÂtain ResÂcue and her local SAR unit. When she is not climbÂing, you can find her curÂing canÂcer in lab, surfÂing in Hawaii, and pracÂticÂing to become a Yogi.