Alex Moss
Alex has always loved climbÂing things and being outÂdoors. Being from South CarÂoliÂna, this began with trees and buildÂings, but natÂuÂralÂly proÂgressed to rocks and mounÂtains as he got oldÂer. After studyÂing OutÂdoor EduÂcaÂtion at WarÂren WilÂson ColÂlege in North CarÂoliÂna, he moved to Utah to work in wilderÂness therÂaÂpy. Alex enjoys the metaphors and perÂsonÂal growth that natÂuÂralÂly arise outÂdoors. He loves how empowÂerÂing learnÂing the skills to move safeÂly through techÂniÂcal terÂrain can be. He aims to help othÂers learn about their enviÂronÂment and themÂselves through adventure.
Alex enjoys many forms of climbÂing and many bioÂmes, but long traÂversÂes in the alpine is one of his favorites. Alex has expeÂriÂence climbÂing and mounÂtaineerÂing throughÂout the West and SouthÂeast and in five othÂer counÂtries. He is an AspiÂrant Alpine Guide, AspiÂrant Rock Guide, and WilderÂness First ResponÂder. When not climbÂing, Alex is likeÂly on an aimÂless walk, dancÂing, or havÂing a long conÂverÂsaÂtion with an old friend.