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Alex moss

Alex Moss

Alex has always loved climb­ing things and being out­doors. Being from South Car­oli­na, this began with trees and build­ings, but nat­u­ral­ly pro­gressed to rocks and moun­tains as he got old­er. After study­ing Out­door Edu­ca­tion at War­ren Wil­son Col­lege in North Car­oli­na, he moved to Utah to work in wilder­ness ther­a­py. Alex enjoys the metaphors and per­son­al growth that nat­u­ral­ly arise out­doors. He loves how empow­er­ing learn­ing the skills to move safe­ly through tech­ni­cal ter­rain can be. He aims to help oth­ers learn about their envi­ron­ment and them­selves through adventure. 

Alex enjoys many forms of climb­ing and many bio­mes, but long tra­vers­es in the alpine is one of his favorites. Alex has expe­ri­ence climb­ing and moun­taineer­ing through­out the West and South­east and in five oth­er coun­tries. He is an Aspi­rant Alpine Guide, Aspi­rant Rock Guide, and Wilder­ness First Respon­der. When not climb­ing, Alex is like­ly on an aim­less walk, danc­ing, or hav­ing a long con­ver­sa­tion with an old friend.