Adrien Regelbrugge
AssisÂtant EquipÂment and LogisÂtics Manager
Adrien curÂrentÂly attends MonÂtana State UniÂverÂsiÂty in BozeÂman, MonÂtana and is planÂning on gradÂuÂatÂing in 2024 with a GeogÂraÂphy degree. He has been activeÂly climbÂing for 3 seaÂsons now and skiÂing for over 15 years. He was born in ChicaÂgo, IlliÂnois but has also lived in Spokane-WashÂingÂton, BufÂfaÂlo-New York, and SeatÂtle-WashÂingÂton. He loves spendÂing time outÂdoors, whether it be rock/​ice climbÂing, ski mounÂtaineerÂing, whiteÂwaÂter kayakÂing, mounÂtain bikÂing, or trail running.