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Mazama and Washington Pass rock climbing instruction Mountain Madness

Mazama Rock Climbing Course

Fun rock climbing for families and beginners

Join us for some excel­lent climb­ing in the heart of Methow Riv­er Val­ley. Locat­ed in Maza­ma, Fun Rock” pro­vides the per­fect area for fam­i­lies and begin­ners to enjoy a day of fun” climb­ing. Our guides will work with you to learn fun­da­men­tal skills and tech­niques. Moun­tain Mad­ness has teamed up with the North Cas­cades Moun­tain Hos­tel to offer this pro­gram and for those stay­ing at the hos­tel, you will receive a dis­count­ed rate. 


  • Maza­ma Rock Climb­ing Course Half Day

    from $160 – 1/2-1 Day

    • 1:1 - $400 per person
    • 2:1 - $245 per person
    • 3-6:1 - $160 per person
  • Maza­ma Rock Climb­ing Course 1‑Day

    from $210 – 1 Day

    • 1:1 - $535 per person
    • 2:1 - $320 per person
    • 3-6:1 - $210 per person


Course Arranged on a Custom Basis — Contact Us



Mazama Rock Course

The day begins with an equip­ment review and a les­son on the essen­tial knot skills required for the day’s climb­ing. You will also learn prop­er belay­ing tech­niques that will pre­pare you for actu­al climb­ing. Once the basics are cov­ered, you begin climb­ing. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion sig­nals and var­i­ous fric­tion climb­ing tech­niques will be cov­ered. (Half day ends at 1:00 pm) After a break, the group will move onto steep­er ter­rain. Top rope set-up, rap­pelling, and rope man­age­ment will round out the day’s activ­i­ties. We gen­er­al­ly wrap up the course by about 4:00 pm.


View Our Rentals
  • Maza­ma Rock Climb­ing Course Half Day

    from $160

    1/2-1 Day

    • 1:1 - $400 per person
    • 2:1 - $245 per person
    • 3-6:1 - $160 per person
    Book Course
  • Maza­ma Rock Climb­ing Course 1‑Day

    from $210

    1 Day

    • 1:1 - $535 per person
    • 2:1 - $320 per person
    • 3-6:1 - $210 per person
    Book Course



