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Blue Glacier and Olympus

Mount Olympus Climb

Immerse yourself in the Olympic National Park wilderness and get far away from it all

Although Mount Olym­pus is the high­est moun­tain in the Olympic range, it remains rel­a­tive­ly unknown, except by the climb­ing com­mu­ni­ty, who regard this remark­able alpine ascent as a North­west rite of pas­sage. Its beau­ty and unique­ness has been rec­og­nized as a World Her­itage Site by UNESCO- we’re talk­ing a place that stands proud among the world’s most amaz­ing places! 

While reach­ing the 7,962-foot / 2427-meter high sum­mit of the moun­tain is the objec­tive of this trip, the abun­dance and diver­si­ty of nat­ur­al beau­ty expe­ri­enced on this trip make it per­haps the most com­plete and reward­ing moun­tain expe­ri­ence we offer in the North­west. From our camp at Glac­i­er Mead­ows, we will explore the var­i­ous fea­tures of the 3.8 mile- / 6.1 kilo­me­ter-long Blue Glac­i­er and learn the nec­es­sary glac­i­er trav­el skills for our ascent. Our climb­ing route takes us to the top of the Snow Dome, where two large glac­i­ers orig­i­nate, and then on to the sum­mit pyra­mid where we scram­ble up rock of mod­er­ate dif­fi­cul­ty. From there we can see all the way to the shim­mer­ing waters of the Pacif­ic Ocean, the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and to the west the Cas­cades and the Cana­di­an Coast Range. 


  • Mount Olym­pus

    $1,725 – 5 Days - Includes Transportation, Tents and Food


Custom Dates Available — Contact Us



Flight Information

For sched­uled cours­es and climbs, you should fly into Seat­tle-Taco­ma Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (SeaT­ac). You are respon­si­ble for your trans­porta­tion to down­town Seat­tle. You will meet as a group with your guide(s) ear­ly morn­ing on Day 1 for an ori­en­ta­tion meet­ing and equip­ment check. 


View Our Rentals
  • Mount Olym­pus


    5 Days - Includes Transportation, Tents and Food

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7,962 ft / 2427 m


Blue Glac­i­er

Client to Guide Ratio



Advanced Beginner

Climbers should have basic snow and ice-climbing skills and should be comfortable with glacier travel, which includes moving in a rope team, self arrest, and basic crevasse rescue. Basic knowledge and experience would be required for objectives with some rock climbing.

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